Hey FWD……BUY TICKETS FOR THE LATE SHOW. It’s always a great time, and we will be singing a BRAND NEW set, including an old Citations tune that is quite fitting for the location. Performing on the show along with The Newfangled Four are 95 North, Masterpiece, and American Pastime! Also, we will have video presentations honoring the anniversaries of past FWD champions. All of this and more for only $20! The Newfangled Four will be selling tickets on Friday at the registration area, so stop by and grab yours.

Come see the Late Show presented by the AFWDC after the quartet semi-finals! The show will include The Newfangled Four, 95 North, Masterpiece, and American Pastime! Plus, video presentations that will highlight anniversaries of great quartets such as The San Francisco Storm Door and Whale Oil Company, Special Feature and Hi-Fidelity! All of this for just $20! Don’t miss out! Find anyone of the members of The Newfangled Four the Friday of convention and get your ticket!